March 28, 2025

Taylor Daily Press

Complete News World

1.4 million euros for UMC Utrecht’s research into the treatment of medical cannabis in pediatric epilepsy

1.4 million euros for UMC Utrecht’s research into the treatment of medical cannabis in pediatric epilepsy

Flor Jansen, a pediatric neurologist at the UMC Utrecht Brain Center, has received a €1.4 million grant from science funder ZonMw. Jansen will use the money to conduct research on the effect of medical cannabis against epilepsy in children. She does this with other pediatric neurologists and researchers from other hospitals.

One in three Dutch children with epilepsy has “difficulty treating epilepsy”. That is, they still suffer from epileptic seizures despite being given medication to treat them.

There are alternative therapies for these children, such as those who take medical cannabis, in this case in the form of CBD or CBD. Previous studies have already shown that this substance can ensure that children with certain epilepsy syndromes suffer fewer seizures.

correct dose

Pediatric neurologist Flor Jansen will conduct more research over the next four years into treating young epilepsy patients with CBD. “We’re looking at the right medication, at the right dose, for the right patient and at the right time,” she explains.

Jansen is conducting the research with pediatric neurologists from the epilepsy centers SEIN, Kempenhaeghe, MUMC and Erasmus MC. Researchers from AUMC and Radboudumc are also involved.

The study looks at the effect of medication on a patient-by-patient basis. In this way, rare cases of epilepsy can also be checked. Jansen: We want to investigate whether the number of attacks is decreasing. We also pay attention to other effects important to the patient. Consider using less emergency medication against prolonged seizures, or a change in alertness or a better night’s sleep.”

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