October 17, 2024

Taylor Daily Press

Complete News World

200 people in a restaurant in Utrecht do not check for evidence of corona

200 people in a restaurant in Utrecht do not check for evidence of corona

Dijksma says the crowd in front of Waku Waku is creating an unsafe situation on the bus lane.

An estimated two hundred people on the balcony and in the surrounding area. It’s mostly about sympathizers. People walk and stand on the road, while the bus lane must remain clear, until there is space for buses and emergency services. So the mayor issued a so-called directive.

The restaurant’s locks were replaced by the municipality this morning after the Waku Waku operator refused to check the CoronaCheck app for visitors. Earlier this afternoon a conversation took place between the municipality and the owners. “The restaurant is closed and will remain closed,” the municipality said. “This means that no more guests are served in the restaurant.”

forced locks

However, the restaurant was partially open tonight. The locks of the restaurant were said to have been forced, after which the door was opened to loud applause. According to a restaurant spokesperson, it’s a “symbolic” opening. “This does not make up for the volume of sales, but it is a signal that owners want to convey: that they will not be subject to this policy.”

Waku Waku claims to have been financially stripped. That’s why the owners started a crowdfunding campaign this afternoon. At nine in the evening, more than 165 thousand euros have already been received.

Also opened yesterday

Mayor Sharon Dijksma decided yesterday that Waku Waku should be closed, because the operator did not want to check the CoronaCheck app last Saturday. However, the restaurant remained open until 11pm yesterday, without police intervention.

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Owner Floris Bookers said he’s not checking the Corona evidence, because it will then distinguish between people with and without the CoronaCheck app. Bookers don’t like it: he sees it as discrimination.