March 15, 2025

Taylor Daily Press

Complete News World

612 COVID patients in intensive care unit (NL+D), 2073 in clinic (NL), 19 flights

612 COVID patients in intensive care unit (NL+D), 2073 in clinic (NL), 19 flights

The total number of COVID patients admitted in the Netherlands is 2,685, which is 57 less than yesterday. Of these, 612 are in IC: 597 in the Netherlands and 15 in Germany. That’s five fewer patients with coronavirus in the ICU than yesterday. Among the COVID patients, there are 2,073 patients in the clinic in the Netherlands, 52 fewer than yesterday. Yesterday, 17 supraregional and 2 international movements of COVID patients were achieved using LCPS.

new recordings
Today, 310 new COVID patients were admitted to Dutch hospitals, 15 more than yesterday. Among the new COVID patients, 29 were admitted to the intensive care unit, 7 less than yesterday, and 281 were admitted to the clinic, an increase of 22 from yesterday. Yesterday, the 10,000th clinical patient was admitted since October 15. The average number of new admissions increased last week to the intensive care unit and remained the same for the clinic. See Figures 1 and 2 for all shapes. Please note: These numbers only contain patient numbers in Dutch hospitals.

IC . occupation
Total occupancy in the intensive care unit decreased from 1 to 1,047 patients. There are now 612 COVID patients in the intensive care unit: 597 in the Netherlands and 15 in Germany, a total of 5 less than yesterday. There are 435 non-COVID patients in the intensive care unit in the Netherlands, up 4 from yesterday. The COVID occupancy rate in the intensive care unit has increased in the past week. See Figure 3 for all figures from Dutch hospitals.

occupation clinic
Total occupancy in the clinic decreased from 1,135 to 12,620 beds. There are now 2,073 COVID patients in the clinic, 52 fewer than yesterday. COVID occupancy at the clinic has remained stable over the past week. See Figure 4 for all figures from Dutch hospitals.

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Interpretation of figures and graphs
The COVID occupancy rate in hospitals has skyrocketed in recent weeks. The influx of COVID patients also increased last week. There are initial signs that the increase in the spread of the coronavirus is declining.

Due to the increase in the number of corona patients in hospitals, LCPS is spreading patients between care areas on a daily basis. In this way, we distribute coronavirus care evenly across our country and keep acute care affordable for everyone. Yesterday, we transported 2 COVID patients to Germany.

vigoup. 1 with patient numbers in Dutch hospitals.

vigoup. 2 with patient numbers in Dutch hospitals.

vigoup. 3 with patient numbers in Dutch hospitals.

vigoupg 4 with patient numbers in Dutch hospitals.