You get contents insurance for the items you use most. Computer and other equipment purchased for business purposes are not included in standard insurance. However, separate employment insurance is not always necessary. Even if you temporarily rent out a room or your entire home, you can often keep your contents insurance. Here’s what you need to know.
Also interesting for you: This way you prevent damage to your home property due to burglary or fire
Securing contents and work
If you work from home sometimes, you may not be so concerned about whether or not the things you use are secured. Think of a laptop or phone that you received from your employer or that you purchased yourself as a self-employed person. You probably use these things for work as well as for private use. How do you secure it then? We explain this using the scenarios below.
Employer equipment, used in the home
Because I sometimes work from home, I have equipment at home from my employer. Who pays for the damage in the event of theft, fire or damage?
This depends on the agreements you have with your employer. It is common for the employer to be responsible. Most employers have insurance for this. In this case, the business owner must have informed the insurance company that the items will be used outside the company. If you are not sure if your employer arranged this, it is wise to inquire. The damage will then be covered by your employer’s insurance, even if your laptop is damaged in an accident. If you intentionally caused the damage or if you acted recklessly, you are responsible.
Special equipment used in the employer’s home
I have a job, but I sometimes work at home on my own devices. Who pays for the damage in the event of theft, fire or damage?
You use your stuff for both private and commercial purposes. The business owner may be held liable for the use of the works. You must have agreed this with your employer. If you receive compensation for using your own property, in most cases you are liable. Have you not entered into any agreements with your employer? Then there is a good chance that you will be responsible for yourself. Research the terms of your policy Insurance contents Check if your equipment is secured. There is often coverage against fire and theft, but you need all damages coverage for damage. However, restrictions may still apply to repaying electronics, such as excess and maximum repayment. With some insurance policies, you need additional coverage for electronic (portable) devices.
Freelancer, work from home
I am self-employed and have set up one of the rooms in the house as an office with office furniture, a computer, and a printer, among other things. Are they covered by my contents insurance?
You can, but it depends on your home contents insurance. Some home contents insurance policies have a standard cover for items that you purchased for business and use in business. These items are also referred to as “inventory”. Insurance companies like to know in advance if you have your own business and what your inventory covers. If your insurance company indemnifies the damage to your stock, this will always be subject to a maximum, say 15 or 25 thousand euros. Does your home contents insurance provide no or sufficient coverage for work items and do you want it? Then you can either take out separate inventory insurance or switch to home contents insurance that offers (adequate) inventory coverage.
Beauty salon at home
I have a beauty salon at home. The total inventory is around 40,000 euros. How can I secure it?
You will probably need to secure separate stock for this. Check with your home contents insurance company to be sure. You can get inventory insurance with the same insurance company or with a different insurance company. If you take out more insurance policies with one insurance company, you can often get a discount.
Freelance rented work space
I am a masseuse and have rented a workspace where I receive clients. How can I secure my stock?
You need separate stock insurance for this. Your contents insurance does not compensate you for anything.
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Rent a house or rooms
You can also earn money by renting out your home or part of it, temporarily or permanently. This also falls under commercial use. But as the arrival of rental websites has made renting out a do-it-yourself space more popular, many insurance companies have adapted to this. There is a difference between temporary renting an entire house and permanently renting a room or floor.
Temporary house rental
I’m going abroad for a few months and I want to rent out my house temporarily. Does my contents insurance apply if renters cause damage, a break-in occurs or if a fire breaks out during the rental period?
This depends on the insurance. So check your contents insurance coverage as well as your home insurance. More and more home contents insurance policies are providing standard coverage for temporary rentals. You are usually allowed to rent out your home for a limited amount of time per year, ranging from 4 weeks to 300 days. The insurance company can also impose conditions on renters. For example, you can rent your home to one or two people maximum, or to a family. Sometimes you have to take out an additional unit of this coverage, for which you also pay an additional premium. Tenants’ property is not insured with this. You are also not insured against theft and vandalism by tenants. You don’t have to count on compensation in the event of theft without the effects of forced entry.
Rent part of the house permanently
I have an extra floor in my house and I want to rent it out. What should I arrange for home insurance?
Tell us that you are renting part of the house. This can be important for securing the building and securing the contents. If you rent the furnished room, contents can continue to be covered by your contents insurance. If you rent the space empty, the tenant must obtain its contents insurance himself.
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