March 11, 2025

Taylor Daily Press

Complete News World

Four days a week, interruption and training: this is the business deal

Vivaldi hopes to boost employment while balancing more flexibility and at the same time a better match between work and private life.

“Agreement on labor market reform means tangible progress for workers,” Labor Minister Pierre-Yves Dermann (PS) tweeted this morning at around 2:30 am. After weeks of wrangling, the agreement was finally reached. Fellow liberal Vincent van Quekenborn (Open VLD) translates the business deal into more freedom for employees, and more flexibility for employers. “A boost to the economy.”

It was necessary for PS and the Greens Better situation for platform workersLike bike couriers. Then the business deal was frozen for a long time. The contrast between left and right appears there. The left wanted to provide them with the highest degree of protection by treating them as employees as possible. The liberals demanded sufficient flexibility and freedom of choice so that the sector in our country would not be destroyed. It was finally agreed that a platform worker is supposed to be an employee if a number of a set of eight criteria are met. This concerns, for example, whether the platform requires that the employee work exclusively for him. The content of those standards has been modified for a long time in order to reconcile the two visions. This assumption can be refuted on the basis of the general standards of the Labor Relations Act. They also receive greater protection in case of accidents at work.

In addition, it will be possible for Electronic trade To work until midnight, without considering it night work. Thus, the arrangement applied until the end of 2019, in which the approval of one trade union in the company is sufficient. The scheme will be evaluated after two years. The employer must pay an additional wage or premium for this evening work. In addition, the possibility of setting up a pilot project in companies is created.

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Employees who wish to can Four-day full-time work week The completion of the. In addition, it was agreed in the labor regulations that an employee may work a maximum of 9.5 hours per day. To extend this to 10 hours a day – which is necessary for those who work 40 hours a week – a collective labor agreement must be concluded in the company. This means the trade union agreement. The Green Party was vehemently opposed to someone doing 10 hours a day.

In addition, the employee can also choose One week to hit more hours and the other a little less† Useful for those involved in parenting, eg. In addition, companies of a certain size must The right to disassembleSection Submitted. According to our information, this obligation will be imposed on companies with more than twenty employees. Agreements about this must be made within the company with the trade unions. Who has the Part-time variable schedule He works – as is often the case with cashiers in a department store – he must be notified of that schedule a week in advance.

Anyone expelled must pass through a transition path He finds it easier to start working with a new employer during his notice period. When an employee has a thirty week notice period, he can actually spend the last part of the notice period preparing for a new job. This is while retaining his salary.

Finally, the government wants to encourage lifelong learning using a Right to individual training† It will be three days in 2022, four days in 2023 and five days in 2024.

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All these provisions have been incorporated into the Labor Code which is sent to the social partners for advice and can be amended. Thus the government is taking a clear first step and the social partners will have to come up with good arguments together to amend the law. After that, the law is finally approved and can go to Parliament.

“The labor market is on fire and the government is coming with a drop of water,” a criticism of the opposition party N-VA.

The government will hold a press conference on the work deal at the last quarter of nine.