Meanwhile, tensions are rising between the Ukrainian army and pro-Russian separatists in eastern Ukraine. “We just heard big explosions north of Donetsk. The ceasefire between pro-Russian rebels and the Ukrainian army has been violated more than 20 times today alone,” says Tom van de Wiegy, a journalist at VRT from Ukraine. The Ukrainian army reported the killing of two soldiers.
“The leader of the pro-Russian rebels in the region called this morning for a general mobilization of reservists who could be deployed in the rebel army in the coming days. The Ukrainian army also asked reservists across the country to get ready,” said Fan. Weghe. Meanwhile, Russia says it is investigating reports of Ukrainian hand grenades that may have fallen on Russian soil, Kiev denies.
The Ukrainian president responded via social media that Ukraine would not respond to “provocations” in the eastern Donbass region. We aim to resolve this diplomatically.” According to Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba, his country is preparing for “all possible scenarios”.
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