March 7, 2025

Taylor Daily Press

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Now that the Corona virus has disappeared from the workplace: what has changed for you?  Researchers would like to know from you |  the interior

Now that the Corona virus has disappeared from the workplace: what has changed for you? Researchers would like to know from you | the interior

The time of empty passenger trains and almost deserted office buildings is a thing of the distant past. It’s been more than two years since we started working remotely en masse, or conscientiously wandered around our colleagues with a big bow. What has changed for you during the time of Corona? Have your expectations about work changed? And do they still match your employer? Researchers Kathleen Vangronsvelt and Anse de Vos would like to know from you for the final study.

Professor Dr.  Dr. Kathleen Vangronsvelt

Professor Dr. Dr. Kathleen Vangronsvelt © RV

Do you expect different things from work today than they did before the pandemic? Organizational psychologists Prof. Dr. Kathleen Vangronsvelt and Prof. Dr. Anse de Vos (Next Generation Work – Antwerp School of Management) have investigated the impact of Covid-19 in organizations since the start of the Corona pandemic. They have asked both employers and employees multiple times about the effects on well-being, cooperation, jobs, and employer-employee trust.

“One in three employees has experienced a positive impact of the pandemic on their job satisfaction, and one in three has a negative effect: To which group do you belong?” Kathleen Vangronsfeldt immediately raised one of the study’s main questions. Now, more than two years after the initial survey, researchers are feeling optimistic and launching a concluding survey about the impact of the pandemic on our work.

“Over the past two years, we have seen how we have all embraced remote work, but also how we are struggling with its consequences. During the pandemic, many have been searching for a new work-life balance: How do you keep all the balls in the air today?”

“We also learned that communication between colleagues has been damaged during the pandemic, and that the relationship between the employee and the company has come under strain. So, the Corona crisis is affecting our need to communicate at work: have you really managed to restore your social fabric? We’d love to hear that.”


Your cooperation in this research is very valuable. Both for organizations that gain insight into what helps or does not help employees, as well as for policy makers who better understand the impact of measures taken on the working population.

Researchers Kathleen van Grunsvelt and Anse de Vos

Professor Dr.  Dr. Anas de Vos

Professor Dr. Dr. Anas de Vos © RV

Anas de Vos: “The famous career shock was also inevitable: many people began to think more about their careers. After a year we saw the first signs of adaptation, employees realized how much they had learned, and even recorded positive effects on their happiness at work. What has changed for you? What’s the difference then?Do you think this is permanent?Have your expectations about the job changed?And do they still fit in with your employer’s expectations?

Vangronsvelt: “Everyone’s collaboration in this research is very valuable. Both for organizations that gain insight into what helps or does not help employees. Also for policy makers who better understand the impact of the pandemic and the measures taken on the working population. Decide for yourself what we are going to read about “the impact of Covid- 19 on workers – after two years.”

Are you between 18 and 65 years old and do you work as an employee or freelancer in an organization? Or are you currently (temporarily) unemployed? then take Take part in the poll here† It will take approximately 15 minutes to fill in the data. Ten prizes of 50 euros will be drawn among the participants.

The results of this research will be published in Het Laatste Nieuws and here on in a few weeks.

De Vos: “Since we are only interested in your personal opinion, there are no wrong or right answers. The answers are processed completely anonymous. In order to make the survey results as interesting as possible, we want to reach a diverse sample of Flemish employees. Both men and women, recent graduates and semi Pensioners, educated both practically and theoretically, and this is from different provinces. ”

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