January 15, 2025

Taylor Daily Press

Complete News World

World One: Galapagos Giant Albino Tortoise Born in a Swiss Zoo |  the animals

World One: Galapagos Giant Albino Tortoise Born in a Swiss Zoo | the animals

“Its skin is all white and it has red eyes”: born in May is the first Galapagos albino tortoise seen in captivity or in the wild. This was reported by the owner of the Swiss zoo where the happy occasion was held.

Visitors to the Tropiquarium of Servion, a small village a few kilometers from Lausanne, were able to enjoy the tortoise for the first time on Friday. “We are in luck,” said zoo owner Philip Morrell, as he looked at the group of students in the terrarium. A one-month-old baby tortoise, which weighs about 50 grams, now fits in the palm of one hand.

The Galapagos giant tortoise, which can grow to be up to two centuries old and weigh 200 kilograms, is an endangered species according to the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN). It is estimated that 23,000 specimens live in the archipelago. Albinism has never been observed in this species, whose skin and carapace are usually black.

The owner of the zoo believes that the white turtle, whose gender is still unknown, will not live long in nature. With her white skin she attracted predators, but in the zoo she could grow up normally. “See how it climbs! It is more active than other tortoises, ”notes the enthusiastic zoo owner.