After months of rumors, AMD has officially revealed its first Zen 4 desktop processors. As expected, the initial lineup consists of four different SKUs, which have between 6 and 16 cores on board. The 7950X, 7900X, 7700X, and 7600X are expected to appear on September 27, along with the first AM5-based motherboards. Models with the X670 (E) chipset will arrive in September, followed by the B650 (E) in October.
Suggested retail prices are largely identical to the Zen 3: Ryzen 5000 processors: the 7900X and 7600X cost the same as their predecessors, while the 7950X comes in at $100 cheaper. The Ryzen 7700X comes in at $400, or $50 less than the 5800X and $100 more than the 5700X.
In addition to a 13% increase in IPC, Ryzen 7000 chips should be able to run up to 5.7GHz, or up to 800MHz faster than the Ryzen 5000 series. As a result, Raphael should be up to 29% faster on single workloads. bonding compared to its predecessor. The maximum turbo frequency varies by model: the sixteen-headed Ryzen 9 7950X clocks up to 5.7GHz, while the lowest split-frequency Ryzen 5 7600X should run at 5.3GHz.
According to AMD’s own standards, the 7950X is 6-35% faster than the 5950X in four games, while in the case of professional workloads it should be possible to increase it by 32-48%. The Ryzen 7600X should be about 5% faster than the Intel Core i9-12900K, although internal test results show that performance is identical here and there.
The 7950X is both faster and more economical than the i9-12900K’s V-Ray.
Lisa Su, CEO of AMD, has also lifted part of the veil regarding the next generation of video cards. This again confirms that RDNA 3 uses chipsets and should deliver up to 50% better performance per watt compared to RDNA 2. Additionally, a short demo of the unnamed RDNA 3 GPU is shown in association with the Ryzen 7950X, although Unfortunately no information is provided. Shared performance.
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