March 28, 2025

Taylor Daily Press

Complete News World

This week, GGD will launch the first injections of its catch-up campaign for the HPV vaccine in young adults

This week, GGD will launch the first injections of its catch-up campaign for the HPV vaccine in young adults

The GGD in Groningen will start this week with the first HPV vaccinations for young people. The vaccination, for which the “catch-up campaign” was organized this year, is free this year for all young people from the target group: hungry people between the ages of 19 and 26.

The campaign is mainly focused on boys and men, as they have not received an invitation before. Girls and women who previously chose not to be vaccinated will also be given the opportunity to get the HPV vaccine.

With the campaign, the GGD and the Health Board want to catch up with the virus vaccination, because there is still a lot of health gains to be made. In many cases, human papillomavirus (HPV) causes few problems. But the virus is highly contagious and in some cases infection can lead to cancer, including cervical cancer, penile cancer, and prostate cancer.
anal cancer According to the GGD, the vaccine protects well against these cancers, which HPV can cause in both men and women.

Young people between the ages of 19 and 26 (born January 1, 1996 and December 31, 2003) have received a letter about vaccination in recent weeks. A number of young people will continue to receive the letter, but they can already make an appointment by calling 0800-1608.

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