October 18, 2024

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European Commission refuses to renegotiate the agreements on (Northern) Ireland |  Economie

European Commission refuses to renegotiate the agreements on (Northern) Ireland | Economie

The UK government announced on Monday that it is again extending the transition periods during which traders will be exempt from European customs and product regulations if they export from the UK to Northern Ireland. The European Commission “takes note” of Brexit Secretary David Frost’s statement, she said, but stresses that it will not agree to renegotiate the agreements that have been reached.

In order to make a Brexit deal possible, the government in London agreed that all goods traded with Northern Ireland must comply with European customs rules and product regulations. The European Union was terrified of creating a route through which illegal, inferior or overt goods could enter the European internal market. As border controls between Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland were excluded by the Armistice of Peace, a de facto border was established in the Irish Sea.

But to give British merchants time to adjust, transition periods were created depending on the different sectors. In the spring, this grace periods It was extended unilaterally for the first time, in June the EU turned a blind eye to a second extension. The transition periods are now set to expire on October 1, but as British merchants continue their struggle to keep the agreements, London is seeking another extension.


Now that it has been announced that transition periods will be extended for a longer period of time, the European Commission is acting with caution. She appears to want to give every opportunity to the ongoing talks with London, but says there is no room for breaking open protocol.

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“We continue to emphasize that the Withdrawal Agreement is an international agreement. The Protocol is an integral part of that agreement and the solutions that the UK and the EU have agreed to the problems Brexit has caused for the island of Ireland.” Monday evening. Both parties are legally obligated to fulfill their obligations under the agreement.”


The Commission, which defends the interests of member states, says it wants to work constructively with London, “for the benefit of all communities in Northern Ireland”. So there is no doubt about the new steps in the breach procedure that began when London unilaterally extended its transitional periods for the first time.

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