March 29, 2025

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Argument 1: The jury and the candidates face off during “The Smartest Person”: “You’re Ruined” |  The smartest person in the world

Argument 1: The jury and the candidates face off during “The Smartest Person”: “You’re Ruined” | The smartest person in the world

televisionHe is said to have almost been freed of his vocal problems, but on Tuesday evening, competition director Eric Van Looy was still struggling through “the smartest person in the world”. And he was not alone: ​​newcomer Jacquot Brocken also suffered from a cold. Furthermore, jury member Bucky D. Ripper provided the scoop, as suddenly there was a heated discussion about bananas.

The new VRT weather forecaster recently told this newspaper: She has been struggling with her voice for several weeks. She had not yet been freed on Tuesday evening. Jacquot immediately apologized for this, and Eric Van Looy also apologized several times for his voice breaking.

look. Fun in the studio when Eric loses his voice

Jury member Bucky D. Reaper managed to surprise us with some news. For example, Bockie is planning to launch its own fried snack. “It’s in the brainstorming stage, but I have big news about something on my wish list: we’re negotiating my own snack at the chip shop,” Bucky said. “It’s not a joke, but it was a funny moment when I had to pitch the idea to everyone in marketing. I would like to launch ‘Bockies Cheese cloves’ into the market.” One Aalst resident has already thought about the packaging. “Then you get a package like this at the chip shop, shaped like a foot,” he explained. “Then with the five toes.” Unfortunately for Bucky, this idea was met with a somewhat lukewarm reception.

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Not long after, the candidates had a heated debate about… bananas, yes. After presenter Eric Van Looy asked Elizabeth Lucy Payten if she liked eating bananas, she said no. “This is constipation,” he said. “I’m speaking as someone who’s had to take his intestines into account for sixteen years. If you eat one, it’ll go bad.” A statement that both Maureen and Bucky disagreed with and expressed. Jury member Barbara Sarafian also joined the discussion and said that children with constipation should not be given a banana. “New Zealanders are helping,” she noted. When Jacquot tried to calm the discussion by saying it might be abusive, Sarafian immediately silenced her. “No, dear, it’s different,” she said firmly. Eric Van Looy couldn’t believe this discussion actually took place in his test.

Dua Lipa

During the match, the candidates continued to advance until the video round. Jacotte Brokken was able to walk away and was subsequently crowned the winner of the ring. Elizabeth Lucy Payten came in second place, and Maureen VanHerbergen came in third place.

Since their scores were close to each other, the final was tied for a long time. In the end, the match turned in Maureen’s favor. Thanks to her knowledge of Dua Lipa, she was able to play the opponent on her own turf. “I think it’s OK,” Payten responded after her defeat. “I’m actually very happy to be able to come back.”

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Fien Germijns will take office again on Wednesday, and Jeroen Leenders will conclude the first final week. Week two begins with Robin Brunt – and then it’s Charlotte Adigiri and Alex Agnew’s turn in the following days. Guga Baúl returns for the last time on Thursday, December 21.

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