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“A disastrous scenario for the Red Devils in the European Championships after Tedesco’s fatal mistake.”  Football24

“A disastrous scenario for the Red Devils in the European Championships after Tedesco’s fatal mistake.” Football24

Friday, June 14, 2024 – 08:00 I am the editorial board

Defense was not the Red Devils’ strong point. In addition, there are a lot of infected people in that room. Thomas Meunier, Arthur Thiat, Axel Witsel and Jan Vertonghen on the sidelines.

Therefore, it seems that national team coach Domenico Tedesco will have to choose an emergency defense in the first match of the European Championship against Slovakia. The German deliberately chose not to call up an additional replacement for Thomas Meunier. Now it seems like this has somewhat blown up in his face.

Many observers do not understand why Tedesco did not call on an additional defender. Philippe Albert has his heart in him too. “You know my fear: without a solution to the defense it will be difficult to get beyond the quarter-finals,” he said in Sudpresse.


“Even to get past the first knockout match,” says the former defender. “In the current situation, Belgium will always have to score one more goal than the opponent, because they concede at least one goal in every match. If Vertonghen and Theat do not return soon, it will be a matter of survival.”

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Heel wat waarnemers begrijpen niet waarom Tedesco geen extra verdediger oprieop. Ook Philppe Albert houdt zijn hart vast. "Jullie kennen mijn vrees: zonder een oplossing voor de verdediging zal het lastig worden om voorbije de kwartfinale te gaan", zegt hij in Sudpresse.


"Zelfs om voorbij de eerste knockout-wedstrijd te raken", stelt de oud-verdediger. "In de huidige situatie zal België altijd één keer meer moeten scoren dan de tegenstander, want ze slikken elke match minstens één doelpunt. Als Vertonghen en Theate niet snel terugkeren, zal het overleven worden."
