January 10, 2025

Taylor Daily Press

Complete News World

It’s Coming: Hologram Teleportation

It’s Coming: Hologram Teleportation

It’ll be a few years before you can use it, but the technology is there: teleportation of your 3D screen in 4K.

American startup company Portel The technology was developed for her and she is about to bring it to market. The Holoporter costs one hundred thousand dollars, but the buyer receives a complete set of hardware and software for this.

With a professional camera and good lighting, anyone who appears in front of the lens can broadcast all over the world. A speaker at a conference, performing live in ten stages simultaneously, making unannounced visits or reviewing recordings for scientific purposes are all possible. As long as there is a receiver: a device the size of a large refrigerator.

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To view videos from Youtube, you must accept analytics cookies and tracking cookies.

Senior investor Tim Draper, who previously invested in Tesla, Skype and Twitch, is helping fund the company’s development.

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