January 11, 2025

Taylor Daily Press

Complete News World

A man loses his job after transporting a small car in a company car. |  outside

A man loses his job after transporting a small car in a company car. | outside

Mark Skeig of British Columbia, Canada, has lost his job after saving a baby moose from a dangerous bear. While driving on a busy road, he saw the lonely animal standing to the side and felt pity. When he saw a black bear lurking about 50 yards away, he knew he had to act fast.

Despite the risk of accidents with passing cars, Skage stops to help the moose. The animal immediately tried to get into his work cart, and the reason became clear when he noticed the bear nearby. In that part of Canada, black bears often attack moose calves, so the man decided to leave the beast in his car.

Skage waited for a moment, hoping that the moose’s mother would appear, but to no avail. In the end, he had to continue his journey with an unexpected passenger on board. He took his new companion with him for about five and a half hours, calling the Conservation Service along the way to find a suitable place for the animal, which he named Misty. Meanwhile, Misty has been placed in a wildlife rehabilitation center.

(Read more below the image)

Mark Skaag
© Mark Skage

After his heroic performance, Skage had to pay the price. He was fired from his job as a tank technician at the oil company AFD Petroleum because his actions violated his employer’s animal welfare policy. Despite claiming to have contacted his supervisor and a conservation officer, the company stated that the vehicle’s cameras did not capture a bear and that it did not search with sufficient precision for the calf’s mother.

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While he legally shouldn’t have moved the animal without a permit, Skage wrote in a Facebook post that he was doing what he believed was right. His brave act of saving a baby moose from a bear eventually cost him his job, but he remained adamant that if he had to do it again, he would make the same choice.

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