Of two motorcyclists Jharkhand, A state in eastern India, when they saw a mysterious figure walking on the side of the road. The video was shared by one of the two centers and immediately went viral on the web, reaching hundreds of thousands of views in just a few hours. According to motorcyclists, the strange figure had the appearance of a stranger, which deserved an episode of the popular American television series The X-Files. In the video you can see the teachers driving on a badly burned road, appearing in front of them, among many others, in the comments, They immediately called it a “stranger.”
That video has become the talk of the town. People think it’s an alien, it’s really, the 13th second of the video, a red Lapros wing flying with UFO jonking sound. Location- Hazaribagh, near Jharkhand @isro AS NASA ajajtak tndtv General BC BBC World pic.twitter.com/P4hcLf5yNn
– Ashutosh Kuttam (ஷ Ashutosh 32363607) May 29, 2021
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Centuries approach the unidentified man struck by motorcycle headlights, turning for a moment to see two incredible men, before continuing his journey towards an equally undefined goal. Strange theories were immediately unleashed in the comments from around the world, and someone put forward that hypothesis. It’s a ghost, others, in fact, a stranger. As announced Newsweek, Will be supposedly alien In fact a completely naked woman wanders over a bridge in Hazaribagh district.
Both claimed ownership of the local news channel John Dood News Found the woman while traveling on the way home Chakradharpur (A town in the West Singhbhum district of Jharkhand) a செரைகேலா (A town in the Cherkala district of Jharkhand). The information channel’s “verification of truth” was of little use and sought to provide a rational explanation for the mysterious episode: comments from those who claimed that the figure was the arrival of another planet immediately began to join the web, or a supernatural dimension. “It’s not a stranger, but a naked woman walking down the highway.”, He wrote Arvind Chauhan, A reporter The Times of India Who, in one article, sought to eliminate the theory of magic.
It was not strange, but a woman was walking naked on a highway at night.
The truth is verified below.
The truth about the ‘alien / ghost’ virus video found on a highway in Jharkhand https://t.co/431xQTklbx
– Arvind Chauhan (rArv_Ind_Chauhan) June 3, 2021
“Passionate analyst. Thinker. Devoted twitter evangelist. Wannabe music specialist.”
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