March 17, 2025

Taylor Daily Press

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Agricultural and environmental organizations come to an agreement on a manure action plan…just when the Flemish government falters on nitrogen

Agricultural and environmental organizations come to an agreement on a manure action plan…just when the Flemish government falters on nitrogen

© Marc Hermans – Media House

While politicians get hopelessly bogged down in the nitrogen file, agricultural and nature organizations mine this other difficult agricultural file. They came to an agreement in principle on the Seventh Compost Action Plan, which should increase water quality in Flanders. Flemish Environment Minister Sahel Demir (N-VA) is delighted. “I hope that I will be able to instill the greatest sense of responsibility when I put the nitrogen plan on the government table.”

Arnott Gissels

It’s ridiculous. When the Gambon government was hopelessly divided over the nitrogen dossier and had to manage a challenge in the Flemish parliament, agricultural and environmental organizations agreed a tentative agreement for a seventh fertilizer action plan. “With concern for water quality and feasibility for farms,” ​​they wrote in a joint statement.

That was far from a foregone conclusion. In October, the first memo from the administration was leaked. Immediately, the entire cultivation was once again on its hind legs. Because it indicated things like the complete annual cessation of fertilization after August 1. Harvesting is not permitted after September 1. This alone means that 80 percent of Flemish potatoes can no longer be raised.

Urgent need

Environment Minister Sahel Demir (N-VA) was already full on the nitrogen dossier and instructed agricultural and environmental organizations to reach an agreement themselves. After months of negotiations, he is now here.


Measures have been sought to ensure good water quality and to take into account the diversity of Flemish agricultural companies. This ranges from stressing where water quality is substandard, to guiding farmers toward more sustainable forms of farming and encouraging practices that benefit soil quality, to simplified application.

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A VII Fertilizer Action Plan is urgently needed, as water quality in Flanders still leaves much to be desired. In 1996, the then Flemish government came up with a first attempt to promote it. More than 26 years later, we’re still not where we need to be.

one in 195

“Only one body of water out of 195 in Flanders is of good enough quality and urgently needs improvement,” says Demir. “This requires efforts across many sectors, and I am pleased that the environmental, agricultural and nature organizations have come up with a new proposal for a manure action plan in consultation.”

Her government is now analyzing the texts and will share them with the Flemish government and the European Commission, which should indicate whether the new proposal is an appropriate response to the proposed ambitions.

So civil society can make an agreement with efforts to farm. This did not go unnoticed by Demir. “I hope to be able to instil an equal sense of responsibility among all coalition partners next Friday when I present the final decision of the nitrogen plan for approval in the Cabinet.”

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