March 7, 2025

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And once they’re not done, Miss Belgium finalists now proudly display their tattoos

And once they’re not done, Miss Belgium finalists now proudly display their tattoos

Never before have there been so many Miss Belgium contestants with tattoos. Often draw with a message. © Kevin Swijsen, bpr

Once, under the previous regulation, it was complete you did not. Then they found their way to the Miss Belgium contest in dribbling and caresses. Today, the candidates are more than happy to flaunt their tattoos. There’s never been so much more, as it turns out during a recent trip to Egypt: from honoring deceased mother and grandparents, to being reminded to always love yourself.

Benjamin Bright

Wins by absolute numbers Amy Rombaugh (19) From Nieuwerkerk: She has seven. On her arm is a picture of her deceased dog, Darko, who was with her from when she was barely a year old until she was seventeen. “His body was exhausted, but his heart was still strong. So we had to put him to sleep. It was hard to apply.” The flowers and the rose bush are a tribute to her grandfather: “He died when I was four. One of my first memories is of how I used to go out there in the garden to pick roses. And then I got under my feet.” (Laugh)

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Amy Rombaugh has seven tattoos © Kevin Swijsen, bpr

She also shares a tattoo on her finger and a heart on her foot with her six-year-old older sister, with whom she has a strong bond. By the way, she put it herself. “GRL PWR” – In other words: girl power – on her thigh she speaks for herself: “It represents strong women.” Then thereAlways smiled’: “Your chin, love yourself and be positive, this is how I look at life.”

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My name is Van Waal (25) From De Klinge she has a stunning tattoo on her back: “I was bullied badly in the past, but I put that behind me and I am stronger. I have grown from a cub into a lion – my zodiac sign. The inverted lotus also symbolizes this evolution: it is a flower that can To grow through the mud. And at the bottom, hang the crystals. They point to my mom, Krystel, who’s always been there for me.” She still has a sunflower on her lower leg, a sign of optimism.

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Esmée Van Walle has a lion on her back. “I grew from a cub to a lion” © Kevin Swijsen, bpr

Emily Vanstenkisti (21) of Elewijt has ‘In con semper teOn her part: with you forever. “My mother died some time ago from pancreatic cancer. At the time of diagnosis, there were already metastases and there was no hope for a cure. Two months before her death, we got the same tattoos together.

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Emily Vanstenkisti wrote next to her the words “Forever With You” as a memorial from her deceased mother. © Kevin Swijsen, bpr

designs Sjokje Degrave (25) Torhout has no deeper meaning. “They’re purely aesthetic, because I love them. The ones on my forearms and hands—I find them very feminine—were designed by a friend. Besides, they are Stick and poke tattoosSo put it on without an electric tattoo machine.”

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Sjoukje Degraeve’s tattoo was designed by a friend © Kevin Swijsen, bpr

Lara Vegas (19) From Nijvel she wants to keep her grandmother’s memory alive. Mamie Babbitt passed away in 2017.

Lara Vegas pays tribute to her grandmother who passed away in 2017. © Kevin Swijsen, bpr