January 21, 2025

Taylor Daily Press

Complete News World

Angry at CNN reporter who suddenly wore a headscarf on TV

Since the Taliban took power in Afghanistan last weekend, things have changed on the streets as well as in reports. CNN correspondent Clarissa Ward appeared on television wearing a hijab. This did not go unnoticed on social media.

Many people are now using these images on social media to show how tough the Taliban regime in Afghanistan really is. Comparisons are eagerly exchanged between how Ward does her job without the headscarf, and how she does it now. Ward detailed the situation on Twitter.

This is not accurate. The above photo was taken on private property. Lowest on the streets of Taliban-occupied Kabul. I used to wear the hijab on the street as well, but not to cover my hair completely and not to wear an abaya either. So there is a difference, but it’s not that strong.”

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Ward also explained on CNN that no one has yet asked her to cover her face and hands. And she is currently wearing like this as a precaution. “I want to be as inconspicuous as possible and attract as little attention as possible. To the extent possible with the camera.”

Many Afghan women journalists still do their jobs, wearing headscarves, but not covering like Ward. The Taliban reportedly said that women would still be able to go to school and work. But to what extent they will eventually implement Sharia law remains to be seen.

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Read also: Taliban hold their first press conference: “Women’s rights are determined by Sharia”
