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Astronomical events 2024 |  Rare astronomical events 2024 |  Upcoming celestial events 2024

Astronomical events 2024 | Rare astronomical events 2024 | Upcoming celestial events 2024

In 2024, we'll see some bright comets, a big parade of planets, a major solar eclipse, heavy meteor showers and more. Let's discover the astrological gems of 2024!


January 3-4: Spotlight on the Rubaiyat

The climax of the quatrains

You should definitely start your new astrological year with the Quadrants. At an hourly rate of between 60 and 200 meteors at peak, it is considered One of the most prolific meteor showers of the year. Quadrilaterals are also known as Bright fireballs. In 2024, the peak of the night coincides with the rise of the last quarter moon around midnight, so look for the “shooting star” before the moonrise. You can also wait for a night with less moonlight – IMO, Quadruple activity continues until approximately January 12Bright fireballs were observed even several days after the actual peak.

To find out how prepared you are for a meteor sighting, take our quiz. Please note – only 7% get a perfect score!

Meteor shower competition

Take this quiz to find out how prepared you are to chase meteors and get helpful tips on how to spot the most meteors.

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April 8: Total solar eclipse in America

Total solar eclipse in America in 2024

One of the most anticipated solar eclipses It will be held on April 8 this year. The moon will pass in front of the sun, blocking all direct sunlight and turning day into darkness. Only the solar corona will be visible. The April solar eclipse also has a hidden gem: a bright comet may be visible during this event!

This stunning spectacle will be visible from many locations throughout Mexico (including the states of Sinaloa, Durango, and Coahuila), the United States (including Arkansas, Missouri, Illinois, Kentucky, Ohio, and New York), and Canada (including parts of southern Ontario and parts of southern Quebec). Observers in the surrounding areas will have a chance to see the partial eclipse.

This will be the first total solar eclipse visible in Canada since February 26, 1979, the first in Mexico since July 11, 1991, and the first in the United States since August 21, 2017. Don't miss the next eclipse with our constantly updated infographic of 5 upcoming eclipses.

5 Preview charts of upcoming eclipses

A list of five upcoming lunar and solar eclipses, their dates, schedules and viewing maps. Check if you can see them from your location.

See chart

April 21: Comet Pons Brooks is at its brightest

Comet Pons Brooks at its finest

Short-period comet 12P/Pons-Brooks will be brightest around perihelion on April 21. It is expected to reach a magnitude of 4.2, which is within a range Vision with the naked eye He falls. But that's not even the best part!

Comet Pons Brooks may be visible during the total solar eclipse on April 8! As the sky darkens, a magnitude 5 comet may appear about 27 degrees from the sun, near the bright planet Jupiter. To see the comet, use the free astronomy app The sky tonight – It will show you where the comet is located in the sky for your specific location. Find out all the details about Comet Pons-Brooks in the dedicated article.

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May 5: Eta-aquaridin highlighted

The apex of Eta amphipods

In May, observers from the tropics and the Southern Hemisphere can enjoy the powerful Eta-Aquariid meteor shower. One of the best for southern observers. During the peak he delivers 40-85 Meteors per hour. In 2024, the peak of Eta Aquarius roughly coincides with the new moon on May 8, so… The moonlight will not disturb the notes.

August 12-13: Peak of the Perseids

Perseid apex

One of the most popular meteor showers in the Northern Hemisphere They are Perseids. they have Colorful meteors Which often leave persistent marks and are prolific – observers can see approx 100 Meteors per hour during their peak. In 2024, the Perseids peak near the first quarter moon, which sets around midnight, leaving the second half of the night devoid of moonlight. Read our article to learn about the best time to view this meteor shower.

August 14: Close proximity of Mars and Jupiter

Very close approach to Mars and Jupiter

the The best planetary conjunction of the year It will occur between Mars and Jupiter on August 14. The planets will approach each other within 0°18', and will appear as approximately one star (the usual distance during conjunction is at least 0°30'). Time and date Lists this event as One of 7 notable “close encounters” until 2040.

Look for Mars and Jupiter in the morning, several hours before sunrise, in the constellation Taurus. It will be very bright and visible to the naked eye. If you want to be sure that these bright spots are actually Mars and Jupiter, use Sky app tonight. Simply launch the app and point your phone towards the sky!

August 21: The moon occults Saturn

Lunar occultation of Saturn

The observers will arrive on August 21 Latin America, Africa and Europe Watching the near-full moon pass in front of Saturn, obscuring the planet. The rest of the world will see a very close approach of the Moon and Saturn. The Moon's occultation of Saturn occurs several times a year, however It's rarely impressive! This cover features a moon that is 95% illuminated and visible from Brazil, Italy, Norway, France, Switzerland And many other sites.

August 28: The Great Planetary Parade

Great planetary procession

Planetary alignment of six planets – Mercury, Mars, Jupiter, Uranus, Neptune and Saturn – It will take place on the morning of August 28. Most of these planets (except Uranus and Neptune) will be easily visible with it With the naked eye. So all you have to do to see this event is go out and look at the night sky! And don't worry if you miss the appointed day – The alignment will take a few days They are visible before and after the specified date.

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To learn how to observe the alignment of the planets and what other alignments will occur in 2024, read the dedicated article.

September 8: Best time to see Saturn

Best time to see Saturn

On September 8, Saturn will reach opposition – and the weeks surrounding this event will do so These are the best times to view the planet. Saturn will be at its closest and brightest point of the year, shining at magnitude 0.6. The planet will resemble one A prominent golden “star”. In the night sky. Also, since it is on the opposite side of the sky from the sun, it will be visible all night long! If you want to see Saturn's rings, use a telescope or binoculars, but you can also see the planet itself using… With the naked eye Let's admire.

October 2: Annular solar eclipse

Annular solar eclipse

There will also be an annular solar eclipse in 2024. Observers from Easter Island and parts of southern Chile and Argentina will see an annular solar eclipse. “ring of fire” See – a bright ring of sunlight around the moon. The partial eclipse will be visible from nearby areas. The next annular eclipse will not be visible in the same areas until 2027.

By the way, how much do you know about the different types of eclipses? Can you see a solar eclipse from the moon? Test your knowledge about solar and lunar eclipses by answering these questions and more in our quiz!

Man for the eclipse contest

Can you see a solar eclipse from the moon? When was a solar eclipse first recorded on video? Test your knowledge about solar and lunar eclipses with this quiz.

Solve the test!

October 12: Comet Tsuchenshan-Atlas at its brightest

Comet Tsuchenshan-Atlas at its best

In October, we will have the opportunity… The comet is exceptionally bright – The brightest since 2020. On October 12, comet C/2023 A3 (Tuchinshan-ATLAS) will reach its closest approach to Earth, at which time the comet will reach maximum brightness and may be visible with the naked eye. Astronomers expect that Size -0.9 We will get – The brightness of the brightest stars! Don't miss this event by any means memory To be set in Sky app tonight. Learn more about C/2023 A3 In our guide that The monthly path of a comet across the sky Includes.

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October 17: The largest full moon of 2024

The largest full moon in 2024

The October 17 supermoon will be closer to Earth than any other full moon this year, and that's just the case The biggest and brightest Corpses. See it with your own eyes to compare it to other moons! Did you know that the full moon in October is known as the Hunter's Moon? Find out why in this colorful infographic.

Full moon 2023

When will the next full moon be seen in 2023? When will the giant blue moon be visible this year? Check out our full moon calendar for all the dates, times, names, supermoons and more throughout the year.

See chart

December 7: Best time to see Jupiter

Best time to see Jupiter

There will be another bright planet in opposition this year: Look for Jupiter, the second-brightest planet, around December 7. It will shine at magnitude -2.8 and will be in the opposite direction to the Sun in our sky. Jupiter will reach its highest point around midnight local time, but you can do it You can see it with the naked eye as soon as the sky darkens.

December 4: The moon is near Venus

The moon near Venus

Venus will be highly visible during most of 2024, and at the end of the year, stargazers will be delighted by a truly spectacular event. On December 4, the two brightest objects in the night sky — the Moon and Venus — will move closer together. Venus will look like a miniature version of a quarter moon through small backyard telescopes, but if you don't have the equipment, don't worry! The event will be visible to the naked eye. Just go out at night and look at the thin crescent moon and the bright spot nearby.

Although December's close approach will be the most exciting, it won't be the only time the Moon and Venus meet this year. Learn more about other events in our dedicated article.

Celestial Events 2024: Conclusion

In 2024, astronomy fans will witness some truly unique and rare events, such as an extremely bright comet, a very close approach of Mars and Jupiter, a major planetary display and more. Keep exploring the sky, we will do our best to make your trip more enjoyable! To easily find any object in the sky, Use the Sky app tonightwhich Displays all celestial bodies for free.

We wish you clear skies and happy scenes!