January 14, 2025

Taylor Daily Press

Complete News World

Asylum seekers stay longer in the village of Drenz because there is no new place |  right Now

Asylum seekers stay longer in the village of Drenz because there is no new place | right Now

A group of about a hundred asylum seekers will stay for two nights longer in the village of Tweed Exlormond in Drenthe. They were moved from the overcrowded application center in Ter Abel and were due to leave the emergency shelter on Saturday, but there is no new place for them yet.

According to the municipality of Borger-Odoorn, which includes Tweede Exloërmond, asylum seekers can now stay in Hunsowhal until noon on Monday. Then they must go. Reception was extended “at the urgent request of the Central Agency for the Reception of Asylum Seekers (COA)”.

“By extending the emergency shelter in Hunsowhal for a maximum of two days, we are creating a COA space to arrange follow-up shelter for these refugees,” says Mayor Jan Seton at the Burger O’Dorn municipality website. They have a place to stay for a longer period of time.”

The application center in Ter Abel, from which the group of asylum seekers came, often had to sound the alarm recently because they could not cope with the large influx of refugees. For example, last week people had to sleep outside for some time, because there was no more room. These people were eventually allowed to spend the night in the waiting areas of the center.

In addition, refugees who have no longer had a place in Ter Apel recently have been unable to go to another reception site, because there is no transport for them. On Thursday, refugees were forbidden to sleep on chairs at the application center. They can go to Budel in Brabant and Vledder in Drenthe.

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