March 16, 2025

Taylor Daily Press

Complete News World

At the end of the century, 27% of all life had died

At the end of the century, 27% of all life had died

Nice, those supercomputers. They’ll win at chess, they’ll write your articles, and soon enough they’ll build killer bots. This would explain why a supercomputer predicted that 27% of life will die out by the end of the century if we continue on this path. WANT editor Dennis Mons isn’t happy about that.

Hello and welcome to the beginning of the week and thus the end of the week. And we conclude this with good news from a supercomputer: by the end of this century, 27 percent of life on Earth will be very massive. So, now you are again.

Super Computer says no

You don’t really have to be a chip Einstein to notice that things aren’t going well with this blue field. Mass mortality of animal and plant species is now normal, and Climate change It gets intense.

according to New study A European Commission scientist and professor from Australia fed climate and land use data into a supercomputer to see the impact on plant and animal species.

The result is nothing to write home about: Ten percent of all plant and animal species will become extinct in 2050 if we do nothing. More than a quarter of them will disappear by 2100.

Supercomputer extinction scientists
A recent photo of scientists working with the supercomputer. (Photo: Universal Pictures)

It’s not like the best guy dumped some data into this huge computer. It uploaded data from 33,000 animal species that could adapt. He also did the same with feeder plants with similar characteristics. He even included invasive species in the calculations.

Then he ran simulations on the supercomputer. They measured the impact of environmental interactions on species extinction. This gave him a forward-looking overview of how the climate might affect the extinction, but also how land use might lead to it.

Time travel thanks to simulations on a supercomputer

Then the computer went to work and observed these types of animals and plants every month between the years 2020 and 2100. This quickly made it clear that the coming decades would be crucial for the conservation of these species.

The advantage of this type of simulation is that the computer can create many virtual terrestrial planets. By introducing other variables by scientists (such as, for example, lower or, conversely, higher emissions, more or less buildings and better or worse forest management), different results were obtained. These indicate the steps we need to take to confront this doomsday scenario.

We are also rock solid

“Oh, some stuffed animals and some lettuce leaves, who cares about that?” , you might be thinking (and I really hope not). The point is, everything is connected.

In the most poorly simulated cases, up to half of the connections between plant and animal species disappeared. The larger the animal species, the higher it is on the food ladder. guess where we are

It may be a prediction by ones and zeros, but as far as I’m concerned, you don’t have to be a supercomputer to see this for yourself.

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The supercomputer says: by the end of the century, 27% of all life will die

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