March 14, 2025

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Attention to World Alzheimer’s Day in Steenwijkerland

Attention to World Alzheimer’s Day in Steenwijkerland

Gerda van Groningen, Bianca Smit, Paula Perma of the World Alzheimer’s Day (WAD) Task Force Stenoekerland, with Stenoecker Torn in the background. private photo

September 21 is World Alzheimer’s Day every year. This year, too, Alzheimer Nederland is paying a lot of attention to this. In Steenwijkerland, 4 representatives of Alzheimer Nederland are active, they are Kees Mol, chair of the Alzheimer Treffpunt discussion, Bianca Smit from Dementheek Steenwijkerland, Gerda van Groeningen who works at ZorgMies and Paula Bierma, community worker at Social Work De Kop.

Together with dementia case managers, they form the Steenwijkerland Working Group for World Alzheimer’s Day (WAD).

September 21 Program

On Tuesday, September 21, there will be a morning coffee hour in the library at Meppelerweg 47a in Steenwijk from 10:00-11:30. Jane Dijkuesen, the dementia case manager and Kees Moll, who have been the face of an Alzheimer’s meet-point in Steenwijkland for years, will also attend, On this special day. The morning’s theme is “Ah, we all forget something sometimes, right?”

Information and meeting point about dementia and memory problems

In the afternoon there is information and a meeting point about dementia and memory problems at the market in Steenwijk from 14:00 to 16:00. In “Alzheimer’s Yellow”, members of the working group can be introduced to there to start a conversation with anyone who wants to and share information and experiences about dementia. But also to measure whether, for example, there is a need for information about dementia for caregivers, schools, and non-formal organizations.

Paula Perma: „We are also talking about the possibility of continuing the Dementia Friendly Together training. A lot of people in Steenwijkerland have already done this, and we want to resume it next fall.”

NEW: Alzheimer’s Meets Stenwichkerland-de-Jajels Neighborhood Center

In March 2020, there was the last meeting point with Alzheimer’s disease due to Corona. It looks like we can finally start this again in the district center De Gagels, at Voetelinkstraat 56 in Steenwijk. The time is every second Tuesday of the month from 2pm and let’s say October 12th. Says Bianca Smit. This will also be published via the newspaper, Facebook and the Social Work De Kop agenda (www.sociaalwerkdekop).

Stone Walker Rath

The photo shows Gerda van Groningen, Bianca Smit and Paula Perma, with Steinwecker Torn in the background. And if there is one thing that is well known to many people from Steenwijk and the surrounding area, it is this church tower. A nice symbol too, because people with memory problems benefit from fixed points in their lives, both literally and figuratively. Familiar faces, recognizable environment and clear structure. And of course a dementia-friendly community, something the working group at Steenwijkerland has been working on for several years.

More information about dementia care in Steenwijkerland:

If you prefer to contact us by phone, you can do so at 0521-385585.

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