"Commodity prices spiked following Russia's invasion of Ukraine, temporarily halting mergers and acquisitions as buyers and sellers disagreed on the...
Alfred Airaldii
Herdate Lokua, 34, and Josephine Mujangi, 32, of Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of Congo, were arrested outside Seattle last November before...
Jerusalem - A member of the U.S. intelligence community who was allegedly involved in a "physical confrontation" in Jerusalem and...
In the same survey a year ago, when increased vaccinations promised to end the COVID-19 pandemic, companies were more optimistic,...
WASHINGTON (AP/Bloomberg) — The International Monetary Fund (IMF) has cut its growth expectations for the U.S. economy for the second...
Shutterstock news America Today is 1:00 p.m - Max van der HeydenU.S. beef exports...
A British newspaper reported that Uber paid scientists hundreds of thousands of dollars to write reports favorable to the taxi...
International Energy Agency (IEA) Executive Director Fatih Birol and US Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm said the current energy crisis caused...
AFPNOS news†Thursday 23 June, 21:30A huge deficit baby food Not yet solved in America, but American consumers now have a...
US President Joe Biden wants to grant abortion rights to the entire United States. He wants an exception to the...