Exactly 15 years after the first Twilight movie debuted, Alice Cullen's abbreviated vampire story is suddenly wildly popular on social...
Kelcie Osbornee
BVThese are busy times for Reggie. In addition to promoting his single "Horen, Zien en Zwijgen", Regi Live performances and...
Cinematic narration Barpenheimer It guarantees full cinema halls these days. But not everyone is happy with this sudden influx of...
showbizAndre Hazys, 29, and Monique Westenberg, 45, must appear in court on August 24 in the so-called compulsory education case....
Lizzo, 35, was removed from the list of prospects shortly after several allegations of misconduct, according to the source who...
Throwing compost waste on their plot, spraying weed killer in their direction and deliberately damaging their beloved yew hedge: the...
With "Music" by John Miles, Johan Hennemann said goodbye to Nostalgia yesterday, Friday 11 August. But not for long: In...
"I've already lost my long hair, but I'm happy to give my neck a shot: I'm going to buy an...
BVshow must go onBecause the world of showbiz never stands still. You can find out what your favorite BV has...
celebritiesJennifer Aniston, 54, has suspended comments on her Instagram account after a storm of criticism. Many followers accused the "Friends"...