“If you take a picture of the sky, you'll find a lot of white dots. Almost all of them are...
Braeden Haige
In 2021, it is estimated that between €2 and €2.6 billion will be needed to widen and modernize the northern...
The open standard provided by Active Commission Transparency gives advisors the space to implement transparency requirements in their firms.Joeri van...
(APMF IN-DOW JONES) European stock markets are headed for a slightly lower open on Friday, as several senior Federal Reserve...
Opening image: Image of Noctis Mons, taken by the European space probe Mars Express. The striking "crater" in the center...
First of all, apples. Apples retain their nutritional value for a longer period when stored in the refrigerator. The lower...
Pixels Self-tanning season has begun. We're taking our favorite self-tanners out of the closet once again to transform ourselves into...
The Ministry of Agriculture, Nature and Food Quality has included a basis in the “Plant Protection Products and Biopesticides Decree”...
(EBMFN) The Brussels Stock Exchange is expected to open higher on Thursday. Euro Stoxx 50 futures were in the green...
Having just one bacteria can cause a lot of misery. Preventing this is the challenge. Because microorganisms such as bacteria,...