In the early 1990s, anime brother Van Lendert lost his sight in his eyes. The tragic outcome of diabetes. She...
Braeden Haige
A new exchange has fallen victim to a hack after hackers managed to exploit a vulnerability. Hackers gained access to...
According to a study by US analytics company Nference, there is a real chance that the Omikron variant of the...
Credit rating agency Moody's downgraded the creditworthiness of Flanders. Finance and Budget Minister Matthias Debendaele (N-VA) said he was "proud...
Bright light? This is correct. Brian has two projectors at the front of the facade. One with snow and the...
theme picture - © ShutterstockStarting today, the corona map will again be slightly red after the adjustment of travel advice...
The total number of COVID patients admitted in the Netherlands is 2,685, which is 57 less than yesterday. Of these,...
The cryptocurrency market crashed last night. The Bitcoin (BTC) The price briefly reached a price of less than $41,000. Many...
The week from Monday 6 December to Saturday 11 December is dedicated to international human rights. Several activities planned this...
Charlie Munger, US billionaire investor and vice chairman of Warren Buffett Berkshire Hathaway's board, is highly critical of Cryptocurrency as...