Belgium has been affected more than the average in terms of the number of Corona deaths, especially with regard to the number of infections. That’s according to a new study by UZ Gent. Portugal and the United Kingdom were also hit hardest in Western Europe.
Nunzia, Australia
During the Corona crisis, Belgium had longer and longer peak periods than other Western European countries, and as a result we had a proportionately higher number of corona deaths. says a new study by Jon Krumpies and Rob de Staelen of UZ Gent. During the Corona crisis, the number of infections was always considered: increases and decreases in numbers. In our study, we primarily looked at the severity of the epidemic,” says John Krumpies, a Belgian healthcare researcher at UZ Gent and former Vooruit Chairman.
To do this, we looked at the peak periods that saw the most cases and deaths from corona. And the longer and more frequent the menstrual periods, the greater their intensity. Belgium does not score well there. Portugal and the UK also did not do well in Western Europe.
Remarkably, Belgium was relatively more affected in terms of the number of deaths than the number of injuries. In the beginning, it was always said that our death rates were too high due to overreporting of deaths. The researchers say this is only partially true. After all, even if this factor is taken into account, Belgium still stands out.
How did this happen? The state of health before the Corona crisis partly illustrates how hard it can be for a country to be hit in terms of deaths. The countries were divided into four categories according to different health indicators, such as causes of death. “Belgium was in the second worst category,” Crumpese said.
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