March 7, 2025

Taylor Daily Press

Complete News World

Belgium wants half more bees and moths by 2030: this is how you can contribute |  to know

Belgium wants half more bees and moths by 2030: this is how you can contribute | to know

By 2030, there should be 50 percent of pollinating insects in our country. Today, federal and provincial authorities alike have committed to this goal. Pollinators are vital to biodiversity and to the vast majority of crops. We’ve listed what you can do to help yourself.

Pollinators in our country are currently under severe pressure from habitat destruction or climate change. For example, more than a third of 381 wild bee species have either disappeared or are endangered. Hovercraft and moths are also having an increasingly difficult time.

According to the Pollinator Working Group, this is not really a good thing: “Pollination is of vital importance. It is a phenomenon necessary for the reproduction of plants and the maintenance of healthy ecosystems. They also play a major role in food production and quality and are true allies of our farmers.”

That is why all governments in our country have decided to develop a national strategy for pollinators. For example, the number of wild pollinator species whose population is declining should be halved by 2030. Also, there should be a 50 percent increase in wild pollinators compared to 2019.

What can you do to help pollinators? Biologist Mark Peters offers advice.

1. Leave a mound of soil or twigs in a corner of your garden: wild bees can make their nests here.

2. Do not use pesticides in your garden.

3. Leave the spontaneous flowers in your garden: insects can still benefit from this.

4. Place an insect hotel or herb garden.

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5. Plant a mixture of flowers: they make a flower corner in your garden and pollinators can find food there.

For more tips you can always visit the site Together for biodiversity justifiably.


Primarily, the government wants to make agriculture and gardening more suitable for pollinators. For example, there should be closer cooperation between farmers, gardeners, beekeepers, nature conservation organizations and agricultural organizations. Pollinators should also be more welcome in cities. So the government will try to stimulate their presence along the railways for example. Finally, the goal is to improve knowledge and awareness of the status of pollinators.

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