“I don’t know if it would be wise for the food chain to be in the hands of a few companies. I see progress on the Amazon food chain. I also see that the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation has a lot of land in the United States. Do we need this? Where do we go as a community? ”
Unwilling to render a value judgment on the entry of venture capital into agriculture and horticulture in the United States, Council of Agriculture Marianne Wes expresses her concerns between the taxes. He does it on Jungle Docs on Paprika Tasty Radio. The broadcast focuses on horticulture in the United States.
In the United States, venture capitalists have discovered horticulture. Horticulture in the United States lags far behind Canada and Mexico. It varies in size and in terms of the contribution of venture capital. Especially in food production.
One of the guests Jungle talks From Marcel Pooncomb Green Circle Farmers In Ohio. The company expands to 50 to 60 hectares.
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