March 11, 2025

Taylor Daily Press

Complete News World

Bloomberg: Sony wants to release its counterpart Xbox Game Pass for PlayStation – Games – News

Of course this is a wild guess, but apart from that, there is the fact that only a small portion of the first-party game series is on Gamepass if you compare it to a third-party. People here say that such a service can’t go on (fail) with first day parties, but at the same time arguments like “MS with a thick pocket, get it all” come back, precisely to keep it interesting because with the first party just won’t make it with Such a service. So the third party is definitely the most important thing to keep it alive.

Yes, I just quit out of the blue, so of course it’s of no use to us. I also don’t deny that there is more third party involved in it, in fact I don’t see at all why that might be a flaw, but 1% FirstParty simply doesn’t seem right to me.

A new first party game every two months is unreal, hope you don’t believe that too? And certainly not from a studio like Bethesda who has been doing this for so long. If they are able to release a game within the month, they are not big games to expect. Sony is actually not far from the number of MS studios and we’re not even talking about different teams.

Their production is not much different. As for Bethesda, let’s see what they have to offer with Starfield next year.

I didn’t say these games should only come from Bethesda, with 23 studios (in all, Including Bethesda) The first gig every 2 months is totally possible as far as I’m concerned, so every studio has 4 years. Some studios need a little less and offer a smaller game, others need a little longer and then come up with something bigger, etc.

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Now we just have to hope Microsoft gives GamePass enough time to really reach its full potential. Anyway, good times for the player.

[Reactie gewijzigd door Donstil op 3 december 2021 23:51]