Patients with brain injury can face various problems within the community. For example, it may be difficult for some patients to reintegrate into the workplace after the rehabilitation period, for others, shopping is very tiring and there are more invisible complaints. It is therefore important that the GP acknowledge and acknowledge this complaint. In cooperation with the basis of the brain My Health Guide has released a podcast series about brain injury. Listen to the podcast now.
1. Cognitive problems in podcasts in brain injury and brain injury after Covid-19
After a brain injury diagnosis, patients may have problems with the cognitive area (think memory problems, difficulty with attention and concentration). This is made even more difficult by the fact that patients with brain damage find it difficult to understand their limitations. This can make rehabilitation difficult. Therefore, this group of patients must be well understood and directed.
In this podcast, the driver and the rehabilitation doctor talk Medical Rehabilitation Merem Paulien Goossens and Citizen Science Consultant at Heart Foundation Liesbeth van der Wal on the visible and invisible cognitive consequences experienced by patients with congenital and non-congenital brain injuries.
quality of life
Brain injury has a significant impact on patients’ quality of life. Patients realize that their lives are not what they used to be. Things like daily chores are no longer so obvious or patients are exposed to a lot of stimulation in certain situations, such as when attending a party.
COVID-19 and brain injury
There are links between brain injury and Covid-19. Neurological complaints following infection with Covid-19 are still being investigated. Fortunately, more and more information on this topic is being learned. Liesbeth and Paulien tell in the podcast what is currently known about the relationship between COVID and brain injury and what is not yet known.
2. Podcast about reintegration in the workplace after brain injury
Patients with traumatic brain injury often have difficulty reintegrating into the workplace after a rehabilitation period. However, it is important for this to happen because sitting at home often worsens the mental state of the patient and thus slowly isolates the patient from society. In this podcast, Professor Koen van Benikom, Professor by Special Designation of Labor Engagement, and Annemarie van der Sar, Foundation Edwin van der . Foundation on reintegration in the workplace for patients with brain injury.
In practice, it is noted that patients are sometimes not properly directed or referred after a brain injury diagnosis. As a result, patients with brain injury receive wrong advice about how to deal with brain injury and are treated wrongly. In this way patients do not return to work properly. In this podcast, Anne-Marie and Quinn tell what a GP should pay attention to and what the correct treatment for a patient with a brain injury should look like.
class It is a project founded by the Edwin Sarr Foundation. The goal of this project is to find a job for young people with acquired brain injury (NAH). In the podcast, Anne-Marie explains how this project came about, how goals are being achieved, and how GPs can enroll any patients for this project.
3. Podcast about recognizing and recognizing chronic brain injury
Many of the symptoms of chronic brain injury are not visible. As a result, it often takes a long time before patients with chronic brain injury are diagnosed, which can have a serious impact on quality of life. In this podcast, Martin Le Fever talks to Professor Caroline van Heugten van Maastricht University On the importance of early recognition and recognition of symptoms in chronic brain injury.
Unspecified complaints
Chronic brain injury complaints such as lack of sleep, irritability, or an inability to focus on work are often seen as vague. This is very sad to hear about the patient. This is why these types of complaints are called nonspecific. In this podcast, Professor Van Heugeten explains how the link between nonspecific complaints and a diagnosis of chronic brain injury can be improved.
case manager
It is important for a patient with a brain injury that the case manager is active. This role can be filled by different people in the healthcare sector. This is important because the GP does not always have time for this. In this podcast, Caroline explains why this case manager is so helpful for a patient with a chronic brain injury and how this aspect is now affecting quality of life.
4. Podcast about referring patients with chronic brain injury
Brain injury can have a significant impact on the daily lives of patients in the chronic phase. In this podcast, Rehabilitation Physician and Chair of the National Brain Injury Rehabilitation Working Group Elbrich Jagersma and Organizational Director of CVA Netherlands Knowledge Network Monique Bergsma talks about why this big impact is and how it can improve the quality of life.
Chronic brain injury
Not only visible consequences such as paralysis have a significant impact on the daily lives of patients with chronic brain injury. Specifically invisible consequences such as fatigue Or that the change in behavior has a significant impact on the patient’s daily life. During the chronic phase, it is important for the GP to be extra alert. This is partly because informal caregivers are often overburdened during this stage. In this podcast, Elbrich Jagersma takes a closer look at this topic and also discusses topics like mood issues.
A large network of brain injury caregivers can make a significant contribution to better organization of care. This is important for proper referral of patients. Link mode is a project that contributes to the expansion of this network as introductory sessions are being prepared between general practitioners. In this podcast, Monique tells why it is important that GPs as well as caregivers talk to each other and that overlaps occur.
5. Podcast about long-term complaints after concussion
consequences concussion It can be much larger than patients often think. For example, months after the accident, patients may notice that they have not aged. In this podcast, Professor Jokji van der Nalt, Professor of Neurorheumatology at UMCG Author, Experienced Expert and Founder concussion basis Jane Roiland on the effect of concussion.
Everyday life
A concussion can be a problem for the patient’s daily life. There are many symptoms that may appear to the patient, which are not equal to concussion. For example, noise can be very annoying, patients can get angry easily and patients can be more forgetful. In this podcast, Jane recounts the various symptoms she experienced with her concussion, and how she was eventually diagnosed that these symptoms were still related to her concussion a while ago.
guiding rules
Joukje is the boss Neurology Society He told us in his podcast about guidelines for general practitioners regarding mild brain injury. These guidelines are currently being reviewed. You will hear back in the podcast how these guidelines will contribute to a faster and better prognosis for patients with long-standing complaints of concussion.
For more information, visit the website of Brain Foundation
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