“He (Justin Trudeau) came to Irvine to see with his own eyes all the horrors that the Russian occupiers have inflicted on our city,” Oleksandr Markuschin wrote on Telegram. The letter was accompanied by pictures with Trudeau in the devastated city. A visit by the Prime Minister of Canada, a NATO member state, to Ukraine has not been announced.
His services said the Canadian prime minister is in Ukraine to meet with President Zelensky and to reaffirm “our unwavering support for the Ukrainian people.” Markuschen thanked Trudeau “sincerely for the support Canada is providing to Ukraine today. We believe in continuing cooperation between our two countries in rebuilding Ukrainian cities after our victory,” he said.
Erbin, located at the northwest gates of Kiev, was the scene of fierce fighting between Russians and Ukrainians in the early days of the Russian invasion in late February. Soon the Russian army took control of the city of 60,000 inhabitants before the war, and kept Erbin occupied throughout March.
Kyiv has since accused the Russian armed forces of committing massacres there – as in the neighboring city of Botja – after dozens of bodies were discovered in civilian clothes in places occupied and then abandoned by the Russian army.
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