For the first time since the Russian invasion on February 24, workers at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant were laid off. The International Atomic Energy Agency said about half of the staff present were able to return home after working at the site for nearly four weeks. The nuclear power plant is under Russian control.
“Ukraine informed the IAEA today that about half of the staff at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant can finally be relieved and go home,” said Rafael Mariano Grossi, Director General of the International Atomic Energy Agency. A press release published by the agency at night from Sunday to Monday.
According to the Ukrainian Nuclear Regulatory Authority, the rotation began in the morning and the employees who managed to leave Chernobyl were rested by other Ukrainian employees.
Grossi applauds this partial rotation. The employees were obliged to perform their work “under extremely stressful and stressful conditions, in the presence of foreign soldiers and without proper rest.”
Russian forces have controlled the factory since February 24. One hundred Ukrainian technicians who had just finished a night shift continued to work on the site where the radioactive elements still needed to be cooled. Agence France-Presse learned that today’s shift will not comfort them.
nuclear disaster
In 1986, reactor No. 4 of the nuclear power plant exploded, causing the worst nuclear disaster ever.
The IAEA also says it has not yet received data from Chernobyl’s monitoring systems. Other Ukrainian nuclear power plants transmit such data.
The agency had proposed to intervene immediately to ensure the safety of nuclear facilities. The Agency will also continue to conduct consultations with this objective in mind.
Read all about the conflict in Ukraine in our file†
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