Although reindeer are accustomed to cold conditions, these animals also have to work harder to find food during the winter months. While the cold means they need more food to keep themselves warm and alive.
The time they spend searching for food comes at the expense of time they can use to sleep. But animals found the solution.
They can enter “sleep mode” while their brains remain active. The brain then instructs the animals to continue eating while they rest. The stomach also remains active to digest food.
The reindeer's brain knows how much sleep the animal needs. This is also the case in humans, but is very rare in animal species.
Reindeer can also see better in the winter months. Their blue eyes act as a kind of night vision goggles, making it easier for them to find their favorite meal.
Reindeer are herbivores and eat everything from tree leaves to plants. In winter, their presence decreases, so animals turn to so-called reindeer moss and grass.
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