March 14, 2025

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Comedy ‘East West, Home Best’ is perhaps the last chance to see Carry Goossens’s play: ‘I’m thinking of quitting’ (Antwerp)

Comedy ‘East West, Home Best’ is perhaps the last chance to see Carry Goossens’s play: ‘I’m thinking of quitting’ (Antwerp)

cast East and West home is the best Yesterday’s rehearsals began in a cheerful atmosphere, with Spanish snacks and drinks. In the summertime comedy, Carry Goossens and Danni Heylen quarrel as a couple about their vacation destination: sunbathing in Spain or staying in their own country. “The comical chemistry between the two has been legendary ever since FC . Champions‘,” author and director Jeroen Mays realizes.


So it should embark on it again at the Fakkeltheatre, where the duo had already spent the summer two years ago, and then with a performance around Sinksenfoor. “The performances by producer Het Achterland are a well-written, locally colored comedy from Antwerp. Hoogstraat should not be inferior to a tourist street in Portugal”, sees Carry Goossens as the reason for the success. “Our spouses are also recognizable again. The writer Jeroen is himself an actor and you can feel it. We have the opportunity to reverse a role to our liking,” adds Danny Helen.

The duet with writer Jeroen Mays (right).

The duet with writer Jeroen Mays (right). © Jan van der Berry

Lots of fun for the audience, but the actors at least enjoy it. “If we’re not having fun, we shouldn’t. I only stick to well-written shows, with nice people I trust,” Danny readily admits.

finished in beauty

Despite this fun gameplay, Carrie’s courage gradually sinks in. “I want to enjoy my work, for the sake of which I have left everything all my life. But the theatrical scene is a disaster at the moment. Stadsschouwburg is being demolished and Toneelhuis is in danger of losing its support. What will remain in Antwerp in ten years? I am considering resigning next year. I Lucky and I’m still in demand. But it’s better to end with beauty,” Carrey surprises.

Lead actress Lynn van den Broek begins the rehearsal process with a snack and a drink.

Lead actress Lynn van den Broek begins the rehearsal process with a snack and a drink. © Jan van der Berry

I will continue and play a delayed piece due to Corona next year. There are a lot of travel shows so I have to see if it’s not so bad,” Danny adds. Both actors see disrespect and that too starts to take its toll. Danny sighs, “You know I keep getting asked what I do at work while day.” “We are in troubled times,” Carrie knows. “L captain zebos I made such a beautiful movie but after 20,000 visitors the movie is already over.”

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turning point

“If Antwerp is to portray itself as a theatrical city, a different mindset must be presented,” Carey says. Unsupported theaters, like Elckerlyc and Fakkeltheatre, are the ones that keep everything running. We’re at a tipping point, so I’m looking to the city and higher government for more respect, especially comedy.”

Despite the dark clouds, there this summer East and West home is the best Not a speck in the air yet. In the comics, he joined the duo Bart van Avermaert, Lynn van den Broek and Anne de Winn. “Being late, I was in drama school at the same time as Bart. Of course I’m looking forward to getting back on stage together for the first time!”, Carry beams.

East and West home is the bestfrom July 1 at Fakkeltheatre,