March 15, 2025

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Dobby’s grave from ‘Harry Potter’ remains in Wales: ‘But don’t leave socks anymore’ |  showbiz

Dobby’s grave from ‘Harry Potter’ remains in Wales: ‘But don’t leave socks anymore’ | showbiz

MovieGood news for everyone Potter heads. The grave of Elf Dobby’s home in the “Harry Potter” films, set in the dunes of a coastal nature reserve in Wales, is allowed to remain there. It was a real surprise there by the fans and they always left things, like socks, as a ‘greeting’. The National Trust Wales doesn’t claim that you shouldn’t do this anymore. It looks like “this could put life at risk here”.


Last updated:

Daily Mail, CBS News, The New York Times

Dobby the house elf and loyal friend of Harry is one of the many well-known characters in the “Harry Potter” movies. Harry himself was able to free the creature from slavery by Lucius Malfoy by making sure Dobby was given a sock as a gift. As soon as a home elf receives a piece of clothing, anything, from his master, he becomes a “free elf”. But in the penultimate film “Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 1” Dobby dies and is buried by Harry and his cohorts in the sand dunes. These scenes were filmed in the sand dunes of Freshwater West, a nature reserve in Wales.

But since then, the area has been engulfed by fans looking forward to visiting Dobby’s tomb. They put all kinds of things in there like rocks and socks to honor the character. It has been a matter of debate for some time as to whether the (imaginary) tomb should be removed (or moved elsewhere) in order to protect the area.

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The decision has now been made. The National Trust Wales, a conservation charity, has announced that the tomb of the popular “Harry Potter” character could remain in place. She added: “The Dobby Memorial will remain in Freshwater West, but visitors are only asked to take photos. They are endangering life and animals here.”

More modifications and measures will follow. “We need to strike a balance between the popularity of the site, the impact on the sensitive nature of the beach and the wider area, and the pressure on surrounding facilities and roads.” For example, there is paid parking and sanitary facilities will be expanded.

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