Yes, there your chip goes. Not for your mouth, but for the floor you haven’t vacuumed in a long time. The big question now is: Is it safe to take it anymore, as long as you catch it fast enough? The five-second rule may seem simple, but science is only now knowing how accurate the answer is. These are the facts.
Does the five second rule work?
To determine whether the five-second rule is effective, it is important to know how long it takes for bacteria to travel from the ground to a piece of fruit, cookie or chocolate. According to nutritionist Donald Schaffner from Rutgers University (USA), there are quite a few misconceptions about this topic.
Until 2016, the five-second rule had only been used once I searched extensively. The study was conducted in 2007 by Paul Dawson, a food scientist at Clemson University, also in the United States. This showed that bacteria could jump almost instantly as soon as food came into contact with the floor, although the researchers’ focus was mainly on how long bacteria remained on different surfaces.
Conclusion? Unfortunately, the five-second rule doesn’t work: even at the first contact with the floor, bacteria jump out. However, the rule is not entirely surprising: the longer food stays on a dirty surface, the more bacteria it has.
Watermelon is different from wine gum
However, the biggest enemy is not time, but humidity. Wet food (in this case watermelon) picks up more bacteria than dry food, such as bread or wine gum. Fabric floor coverings also transmit less bacteria than tile or stainless steel; The bacteria released by the scientists was absorbed through the carpet.
So the science is pretty clear about the five-second rule. Does this mean it is never safe to eat something found on Earth? Dawson says it depends on the surface and the type of bacteria you might encounter. “If you drop something in the hospital, you probably won’t want to pick it up again, but 99 percent of the time it won’t cause any harm.”
So anyone with a healthy immune system can eat a cookie with some of the dust and bacteria on the floor. According to experts, the real rule should be: maintain good hygiene and keep floors and surfaces clean.
Myrthe Prince has been working as a journalist for more than ten years – she has written travel stories for Traveler magazine, been a correspondent for PZC and interviewed many researchers for her science column in National Geographic magazine. In addition to her work as an online editor, she writes poetry and prose, learns new languages, and helps her team escape escape rooms.
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