October 22, 2024

Taylor Daily Press

Complete News World

Europe dares not impose sanctions on Russian nuclear energy, thus providing the Kremlin with a war chest via the Netherlands – Job

Europe dares not impose sanctions on Russian nuclear energy, thus providing the Kremlin with a war chest via the Netherlands – Job


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Russia’s state nuclear company Rosatom is pumping hundreds of millions in profits through a Dutch subsidiary. Reports say numberThe flow of these huge sums of money did not stop after the outbreak of the war with Ukraine and the sanctions imposed on Russia afterwards. A large part of the profits ends up in the Russian treasury, which is used to finance the war.

Through its Dutch subsidiary Uranium One Cooperative, the Russian state-owned company is active in the extraction of nuclear raw materials in Kazakhstan and Tanzania. From those countries, the proceeds flow to the Netherlands before being sent to Russia. In 2022, the Dutch company made a profit of $240.6 million (€222 million). Tens of millions of dollars of that was transferred to the parent company in Russia.

Rosatom is a major producer of uranium and nuclear energy. The fact that the company is not affected by Western sanctions against Russia is because Europe is largely dependent on the Russian uranium sector. Rosatom is the world’s largest supplier of uranium enriched to 35 percent. The services provided by the Russians are currently the only option, especially when it comes to recycling used uranium, NOS wrote.

Russian uranium also ends up in the Netherlands, for example at Urenco in Almelo. This company does not do direct business with Russia, but receives the material from France.