March 7, 2025

Taylor Daily Press

Complete News World

‘Family’ Viewers See Sad Development: ‘It Becomes an Old Saw’

‘Family’ Viewers See Sad Development: ‘It Becomes an Old Saw’

The age difference between Lars and Stephanie is so great that it is almost inevitable that their relationship will have adversaries. Benny, for example, doesn’t like his daughter being with a much older man.

“I totally understand that you’re having a hard time with this and that you feel cheated by me,” Lars tries to defuse the situation this week. “But you don’t choose who you fall in love with.”

However, his arguments fell on deaf ears. “Big whiner,” Benny calls him. He even pays Lars. Even Samira thinks he has gone too far with this matter. She replied, “You need to stop blowing things up like that. There are worse things in the world.”

Clearly, viewers think she’s right. They noticed that Benny had a more pleasant personality. They respond on social media: “I liked the Penny from back in the day better. Now it’s a really old saw.”

“He’s against everything. He won’t go on holiday, except for his daughter… Benny used to have more fun, and you can still laugh at that.” “Since he won that money, he hasn’t been happy.” “If he is not careful and continues as he is doing now, he will soon lose everything: his wife and his daughter.”

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