March 17, 2025

Taylor Daily Press

Complete News World

Flemish Minister Demir does not want Fluvius to increase the energy bill by about 40 euros

Flemish Minister Demir does not want Fluvius to increase the energy bill by about 40 euros

If nothing changes, Fluvius will increase its prices on the energy bill for an average family from the beginning of next year by 15 euros a year for electricity and 22 euros a year for gas. This is evidenced by the calculation of the Flemish VREG power regulator.

So, because Flemish Energy Minister Saturn Demir (N-VA) is in opposition. It asks the network operator Fluvius to ensure that its prices on the energy bill remain constant. For example, by reducing the profits of cities and municipalities. They are the owner of Fluvius.

In a press release, Fluvius emphasized that cities and municipalities are doing their best to keep bills as low as possible. 119 million euros will be charged out of pocket to limit the price increase. It seems that more is not possible. The energy crisis is also having a huge impact on Fluvius. Due to inflation, the cost of materials for the construction and management of electricity and gas networks has risen sharply. ”

Without Fluvius’ own intervention, the average energy bill would have increased by more than €100 per year. “With this decision, we are showing ourselves as a reliable partner in this energy crisis.” Fluvius asserts that his own rates have visibly decreased over the past five years. This will be the first hike.

Common sense

As it was said: Demir is not convinced. She points to the Flemish government’s efforts last week to keep its share of the energy bill stable. 148 million euros will be freed from the general budget for the purchase of green certificates. Otherwise, these costs are settled by the electricity bill. The energy tax (20 million euros) has also been abolished.

In an energy crisis it is important that every level takes responsibility. Flanders is making a massive additional financial effort this year to ensure that its share of the bill does not increase and even decrease slightly. I expect this from all levels of government, including local authorities via Fluvius, Minister Demir says.

It was not settled for her. Demir asked Fluvius president Wim Dries to investigate “every possible avenue” to prevent price increases. Board of Directors scheduled for Wednesday in Fluvius. Demir: What is in front of me at the moment is not good for me, but unfortunately I have no control. I can only hope that common sense will prevail and this can lead to a recalculation of network tariffs by VREG.”

Interesting detail: Besides being the Chairman of the Board of Fluvius, the CD & V artist Dries is also the President of the organization VVSG (Association of Flemish Towns and Municipalities) and the Mayor of Genk. It is also the home of the city of Demir. On Tuesday they welcomed King Philip together.

Genk Mayor and Chief Fluvius Wim Dres (left), King Philip and Flemish Minister Zuhal Demir (r.) at Watershey Gardens.  BELGA's photo

Genk Mayor and Chief Fluvius Wim Dres (left), King Philip and Flemish Minister Zuhal Demir (r.) at Watershey Gardens.BELGA’s photo

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