October 25, 2024

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Former commentator Tom Coninckx has some happy news at the age of 49 – Football News

Former commentator Tom Coninckx has some happy news at the age of 49 – Football News

Former commentator Tom Coninx has been living in Italy for some time. He became a father again on April 9, but the news is only now becoming known.

Tom Coninx is now 49 years old. He became a father for the second time with his Italian wife, Luigia Java (30 years old). They already had a two-year-old son together. Coninx has two other children from a previous relationship.

“Aura was born in Naples and, like his brother Paolo, will have dual Italian and Belgian citizenship,” the new father tells Het Nieuwsblad.

His age certainly wouldn’t be a problem. “As an older man of almost 50, it is a joy day in and day out to have this younger generation around you, who also takes full care of their little sister.”

To exercise

Naps to recover from very short nights are also part of Coninx. “You have to count on getting up multiple times to fill the baby bottle, feed Ora, etc. But no matter what happens: every day I wake up at 7 a.m. to take care of the other kids who have to go to school.

He actually has advice for new parents. “And then right after that I put on my running shoes and run for an hour. I think that exercise, not just running but also swimming or walking, combined with that youthful energy here at home, keeps a person young. That helps me tremendously.”

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