March 15, 2025

Taylor Daily Press

Complete News World

Gert Verholst also opened “K3 Immersive Bootcamp”: “We left for years with Julia” |  showbiz

Gert Verholst also opened “K3 Immersive Bootcamp”: “We left for years with Julia” | showbiz

showbizAnd it doesn’t stop there for the brand-new K3’tje Julia: along with Hanne and Marthe, she was allowed to open the “K3 Immersive Bootcamp” in Antwerp Meir yesterday. Gert Verholst stood and saw that it was a good thing. “Han and Marth now see once again how privileged they are in such a job.”


“How crazy to see myself so big! In the past I would sometimes go shopping in Antwerp on the Meir, and now I’m an attraction here myself! Awesome!” Three weeks later, Julia’s enthusiasm is still very contagious for Han and Marthy, as we saw when the three of them were allowed to cut the ribbon to officially open “all-around bootcamp” in the late afternoon. They explain, “You go through a full K3 cycle through different rooms, and then you can finally dance as a full K3 in the ‘Waterval’ video.” “Standing while taking pictures, learning the dance moves, that’s all part of it.”

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Class de Scherder

© Classes de Scherder

Studio 100 president Geert Verholst looked on with satisfaction from the sidelines. “Yes, I remain completely convinced of our choice of Julia,” he says. “She was in the top three right from the start, and after the final she just confirmed that. We can’t yet tell how popular she is among the audience, because they aren’t allowed to perform yet. But the first signs are OK. The single ‘Waterval’ and the album that holds The same name is a huge acclaim, and I notice from the other two girls that Julia’s enthusiasm also motivates them even more. They realize once again how privileged they are to have such a job. To be clear, this is not my classy fault. People change and they have the right to make their own decisions. But I think That we’ve been out with Julia for years again. We already have a great summer song ready for next year and I think it’s going to be a huge hit.”

“K3 Immersive Bootcamp” in Antwerp is open to the public from today, tickets cost €18.50. More information at

Class de Scherder

© Classes de Scherder

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