January 29, 2025

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Google Assistant shared one of Betty White’s last 100 birthday photos |  celebrities

Google Assistant shared one of Betty White’s last 100 birthday photos | celebrities

celebritiesBetty White was supposed to blow out a hundred candles on Monday, but the actress died on December 31 after suffering a stroke. However, Betty’s environment does not want to let her birthday go unnoticed. For example, her assistant shared a photo of the “Golden Girls” actress taken just before her death. She captioned the photo, “She was radiant, beautiful and, as always, very happy.”

“On this special day, I want to share this photo of my house,” Kiersten Mikelas, Betty’s assistant, wrote in the post on White’s Facebook. “It was taken on December 20 and I think this was one of her last photos.”

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The photo was likely taken around the recording of a private message that White recorded for the documentary “Betty White: A Celebration,” which was shown in several US cinemas on Monday. The inventors previously announced that they spoke to the actress shortly before her death and that she was in a good mood at that time.

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In a Facebook post, the assistant also thanked the people who participated in the #BettyWhiteChallenge on Monday. This was a campaign inviting people to donate $5 to a local shelter or other organization that works for animals. White was a big animal lover. “Thank you to all of you who are doing good things, today and always, to make the world a better place,” said Kirsten.

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painting. Betty White, ‘Eternal Young’ dies just before her 100th birthday: ‘I didn’t make me cringe on my couch’ (+)

The assistant heard Betty White’s last words: “I called her late husband.”

Betty White suffered a stroke six days before her death