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Grim Liz Truss poll: Only one in ten Britons still believes in the Prime Minister |  Abroad

Grim Liz Truss poll: Only one in ten Britons still believes in the Prime Minister | Abroad

Although British Prime Minister Liz Truss survived her cabinet meeting without ministers asking her to resign, it appears that the British and members of her Conservative Party are turning against her. For example, barely one in ten Britons still believes in the Prime Minister. This is according to a survey conducted by the international research group YouGov.

Eight in ten Britons are critical of Truss, and another ten have no say in the Prime Minister. Truss is also losing popularity among conservative voters, YouGov reports. Only one in five still has a positive image of the Conservative leader.

The poll was conducted between 14 and 16 October of 1,724 adults in the United Kingdom, shortly after the Prime Minister reversed the planned tax cut almost entirely and fired Finance Minister Kwasi Quarting and replaced him with Jeremy Hunt. In the latest poll before Truss turned, 15 percent said they sympathized with the prime minister.

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The results show that Truss is less affectionate than her predecessor Boris Johnson, with 29 percent still believing in him. Rishi Sunak, who has been fighting Truss to succeed Johnson, is also more popular than the current prime minister at 37 per cent. Labor leader Keir Starmer is the most popular politician in the poll with 41 percent.

British media have long speculated that Truss may be forced to resign soon. However, according to her spokesperson, no member of her government has actually requested it. On Wednesday, Truss will have to answer questions from MPs in the British House of Commons for the first time since her famous role.

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Conservative party members also have less confidence in their leader, YouGov says, based on a survey conducted October 17-18 among 530 party members. More than half of them prefer stepping down gears. Her predecessor, Boris Johnson, tops the list of wanted successors.

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