October 18, 2024

Taylor Daily Press

Complete News World

Hegelsom’s children can still do gymnastics in their village: the youth center provides space

Hegelsom’s children can still do gymnastics in their village: the youth center provides space

Children from Onder de Linde Primary School will now play sports in the youth hostel, a few meters away. Since the gym is being demolished, children must exercise in the new gym in Meterrick. Now the solution has been found.

Many Hegelsum parents were in an uproar when it became known that the gymnasium at Onder de Linde Primary School had to be demolished. A protest group was formed, but to no avail. The municipality was clear: the building was in old condition and rebuilding would cost a lot of money. From now on, the children must go to the new sports hall in Metrick.

Parents saw this as an obstacle. Now bus transportation to and fro must be arranged and this will reduce gym time. A solution has now been found. Onder de Linde Primary School, in collaboration with Hejelsum Youth House, has found a solution so that young children can continue to play sports in their village.

The intention is that the children will exercise in the games room at Hegelsom Youth House. The municipality wants to provide a loan to convert the space into a good location for the gym. Nearly 26,000 euros have been made available for this purpose. The floor will be lined to meet the requirements of an elementary school playroom. Specific items can now also be purchased.


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