April 1, 2025

Taylor Daily Press

Complete News World

Hermann Brusselmanns’ haircut after 37 years

Hermann Brusselmanns’ haircut after 37 years

“He’ll end up writing comments, shouting in the street, and saying in conversations: ‘This is Hermann Brusselmans with his long dirty hair,'” Hermann Brusselmans wrote in his column. Homo. He has said goodbye to his usual long hair and is showing off his new hairstyle.

Last Friday he had a short haircut. The writer explains this choice: “Since 1986, he’s been walking around with a hair up your ass, and that finally gets in the way.” “Besides, to be honest, my hair was as dead as the chuck of a door. It collapsed even if I blew in it, and every time my son Roman grabbed my hair in his little fist, he would pull at least a hundred hairs out of my old head.”

Hairdressing at home

So he calls his regular hairdresser, Christine, who has come to groom him at home. Kristen came, saw, and conquered, which is why I now walk around with a short face. Some of my admirers will say, “But, Mr. Brusselmans! You are now missing part of your photo! “That’s why I’ll let the hair between my piercing jaws grow very long, so that my image can get a new impetus. In the bargain, I’ve always been someone who wanted no image at all. After all, I’m always quite myself, as the expression goes,” continues Brusselmans. .

Saying goodbye to his signature long locks, Brusselmans writes, instantly creates a renewed form of anonymity. “Without long hair, hardly anyone would know me.”