Situation 1: You have symptoms
If you feel sick, you can self assessment tool government to determine if testing is necessary. FPS Public Health asks you to stay home and not call your doctor if you have mild symptoms or one of the following.
• cough
• Breathing difficulties
• Fever
• Complaints of pain
• exhaustion
• Loss of taste and/or loss of smell
• Diarrhea
• Runny nose
• Sore throat
You will receive specific advice based on a number of questions. “Either you will be advised to get tested, or you will be told that there does not appear to be an immediate risk of contracting Covid-19,” said Karen Moykens of the Covid task force. “If we recommend a PCR test, you will automatically find a link to the online tool where you can get a free test code.”
With the test code you can Make an appointment at the test center or laboratory or pharmacy. In the latter case, you will get the result already after fifteen minutes Call the pharmacy Best to make an appointment in advance. If you are at a higher risk of contracting serious Covid-19, for example during pregnancy or diabetes, it is best to consult a doctor.
As long as you don’t get the test result, you will stay at home. Record the details of everyone you came into contact with for up to two days before symptoms began. If the test is positive, this list can be used in the context of follow-up contacts.
Situation 2: You had a high-risk connection
If you are to feed If you are in close contact (or in the same room) with an infected person for more than 15 minutes, you will be isolated. If the affected person has correctly transferred your data to Follow up Contacts, you will automatically receive a test code with which you can make an appointment at a test center.
If the affected person informs you himself, do not call your doctor, but ask him to pass your contact details to Follow-up Contact (02/214.19.19). Only then will you receive a test code. Quarantine will be stopped if you get a negative result on the first test. Then underwent examination again on the seventh day.
It is also possible to do a self-test or a quick test. You can do this at the pharmacist. Although it is important to note that this self-test does not replace a PCR test, so be sure to take the test at a testing center or lab. If your self-test is positive, you will need to be quarantined while awaiting the PCR test. Don’t forget to also inform Follow Contacts on 02/214.19.19 of your latest contacts.
Have you had a high-risk connection, but you Not fully vaccinated? Then go to quarantine. You will be tested unless you last had contact with the infected person more than 72 hours ago. The second test is done on the seventh day after your last contact with the infected person. Quarantine will not be lifted until you have your second test result.
Situation 3: You tested positive for corona
Anyone infected should be isolated and stay at home for at least ten days. Only then can you leave your home, provided you have not had a fever and no breathing problems for at least three days.
During isolation, you are only allowed to go to the pharmacy, doctor or supermarket. If you do not follow the rules of quarantine or isolation, a penalty or fine may follow. You are not allowed to go to the office and those who cannot work from home will receive Quarantine certificate.
After the positive test, you also begin follow-up contact. All the people you have been in close contact with and with whom you live together will then be quarantined.
Situation 4: The test result is positive on the self-test
As we explained above, you can also take a self-test which you can buy from your pharmacist. But please note: This self-test does not replace the PCR test, so be sure to take the test at a test center or lab. If your self-test is positive, you will need to be quarantined while awaiting the PCR test. Don’t forget to also inform Follow Contacts on 02/214.19.19 of your latest contacts. You will also call to follow these contacts if you receive an alert from Corona (red screen), via the app on your smartphone.
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