How do you accurately seal a hole in your wall? Hobbyklusser explains it step by step: “Don't use too much of this product, because then you'll get lines” | Handyman is a hobby
Despite countless free tutorials on YouTube, WikiHow, and DIY store sites, we're unlikely to roll up our sleeves ourselves. We prefer not to do even small jobs like fixing holes in the wall. A painting or a poster over it, right? However, with a good step-by-step plan you can easily eliminate those openings. Hobbyist Huguette Delaudere explains how.
Why seek expensive professional help if you can do many household chores yourself? Higuetie Delaudere (58) is an interior designer, hobbyist, and author of Starting Your Own. She gives workshops all over the country. In the series Handyman is a hobby She shares her best tips for every technical problem.
You know how it is: You want to hang frames in your new rented or owner-occupied home and notice that the previous owner had the same idea. You can't hide all the unwanted holes by simply hanging a plaque or poster over it, so it's time to use your handy tools.
Do you want to have a smooth wall again? This is how you start
material • Fast filling putty suitable for your wall type • Wide putty knife • Fine sandpaper (P180, P220, P240, P320, P400 or P600) • A small paintbrush • Miracle sponge • Paint your wall color (if necessary)
Before you roll up your sleeves, it's important to know exactly which wall you have and what constitutes the surface you'll be using for your fill work. “Newer homes often have plasterboard walls, while older walls are still made of plaster and clay,” says Hoggett. Gypsum putty is different from plaster for a solid wall, so pay close attention to the quick-filling putty you put in your shopping cart. “Once you have the right tube, it is best to look for a wide putty knife that is about 40 to 60 mm long,” the DIY expert recommends. “You can do better movements with it, although it's still a matter of practice.”
Don't try to squeeze all the product into the hole at once, work layer by layer.
The hobby of the master Huguette Delaudery
Then you can start. “Start by making the hole dry and dust-free and picking up any loose pieces from the hole. This way you can work cleanly.” Then take some quick putty compound on a putty knife and spread it evenly over the surface until the hole is filled. “Don't try to squeeze all of your product into the hole at once, or you'll end up with a small convex surface,” Huggett warns. “It's best to work layer by layer and push the product deeper into the hole each time.” It's also important to pause between each coat and let the putty dry – you can read the exact waiting time on your tube. “Once finished, carefully remove excess putty with a putty knife.”
However, no matter how smoothly you apply quick fill compound, there will always be a slight difference between the wall and the new layer above the opening. “Of course if you want to paint the wall afterward, you will feel a little relief. So, go over the filler layer again with fine sandpaper. If necessary, you can add some filler and sand again before starting to work with the primer and color.”
If it's a small hole that you want to fill quickly, you can also push the filler product into the hole and color the area along its length using a small paint brush. You can then clean the surrounding area with the so-called miracle sponge to make the colors blend into each other. “Although you definitely shouldn't use too much of this, because then you'll get lines on your wall that are more noticeable than just a small hole or tear.”
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