January 10, 2025

Taylor Daily Press

Complete News World

HPV vaccination protects young Flevolanders against various types of cancer

HPV vaccination protects young Flevolanders against various types of cancer

Young people from Flevoland who were born between 1996 and 2003 will receive an invitation to be vaccinated against the human papilloma virus (HPV) in the upcoming period. This vaccine protects against different types of cancer. GGD Flevoland performs these vaccinations. The target group in Flevoland consists of around 15,000 young people. Vaccination is free.

By appointment only

Young people will receive a letter from the RIVM about vaccination in the coming weeks. They make an appointment online, at www.HPVafspraak.nl It is also possible to make an appointment by phone at: 0800-1608. For those who are unsure about vaccination, there is decision-making help available www.hpvkeuzehulp.nl . Either way, keep proof of identification handy.

GGD Flevoland will start vaccinating against HPV on January 30th. Vaccination is possible at three Covid-vaccination sites spread across the region: Emylord, Lelystad and Almere. When you make the appointment (online or over the phone), you choose the location. Vaccination is possible only with an appointment.

Two vaccinations

Two vaccines are given. Young people who get their first vaccination will receive a text or email after five months reminding them to schedule a second appointment.

What is human papilloma virus?

HPV stands for Human Papilloma Virus. A person infected with the virus usually does not notice, but it is highly contagious. In some cases, the infection can lead to cancer. The HPV vaccination protects well against six types of cancer, including cervical cancer, penile cancer, and anal cancer. HPV can occur in both men and women.

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National campaign

Research shows that young people have little knowledge about the potential consequences of HPV and about vaccination. On Wednesday, January 11, a national campaign was launched under the slogan: Prevention of 6 types of cancer with one vaccine. Young people are urged to inform themselves well about HPV and vaccination. Among other things, they can use the website: www.hpvkeuzehulp.nl .